Hi everyone! So I hope everyone is doing super wonderful! I have been so busy I haven’t been able to catch up on blogs; however, I do hope to do so this weekend. I did want to take a minute to catch up with everyone.
My ebay sales marathon I did last week is coming due, as all the auctions are ending. So now I get to spend the next several days shipping. That's actually my favorite part. I don't like writing up the auction, but I do like packaging everything up and sending out.
Whoa, I was just outside enjoying the morning and typing and my neighbor was doing something over there that started blowing up the dust, and my computer is now covered with dirt. Gotta love the desert.
qwertyuiopsdfghjklxcvbnm, - cleaning keyboard.
(SIGHS...had a brief technical issue. Not sure what button I hit. But it wasn't pretty..okay back on track..)

Current Project: Right now I am working on a gift for a friend of my mom’s (I consider her a friend too). She is a wonderful wonderful woman who has just been a super positive force in both me and mom’s life and she is moving….FROWN sad for us, glad for her.
So I am working on a going away gift for her. They aren’t colors I usually work in as I’m more of a bright and bold, but I think they are pretty, and I think they are very much her. So here and the pieces. I just shopped yesterday for everything, and I need to have it done this week. Yikes!
And of course I was a lucky winner of one of the shadow boxes that was given away on
Lorelei's BlogI dont have that project done either. I haven't really had that Ah Ha! moment with it. You know the one where your thinking thinking thinking, and then in the middle of the night...It pops into your head the perfect solution. Yea, that one. I haven't had it yet. It's due next week, so I hope it happens soon. Good thing I work well under pressure. LOL.
The Bead Soup Swap: I don’t really make anything myself, except for little paper clay charms, and those need to be bezeled with beads, and I didn’t want to send out a kit that obligated someone to do that. So being the crazy chick I am I opted for some retro, yet back in fashion, crazy 80’s colors. Colors that of course, I love love love. It was a risk, but I kinda figured my swap partner was such a cool chickadee that she would appreciate the boldness of the challenge, so I took the risk. God bless her. She really is a trooper! So, a very pink agate, some lava beads, a larger lava bead for a clasp? some pretty faceted crystals to match, some lager drop crystals just for something different (in case she needed something else pink in here), some hot pink cathedral beads, and two baggies of hot pink, and two baggies of black seed beads in different sizes.
So then I got my kit in the mail, from my swap partner
Marcy and oooh my goodness!!! Literally brought tears to my eyes. She sent me such an amazing, thoughtful, and handmade! Kit that just blew my fuzzy cotton candy blue socks off.
Marcy is an amazing glass artist. She makes the most adorable whimsical little critters out of glass, which just perplexes me. I took a soldering class once. I walked out with burns all over my hands. Melting hot stuff and me, don’t mix! She is truly remarkable!
She not only makes and sells her adorable little pieces
(her etsy shop) , but she also teaches! I think for most artists, teaching someone art is as much a part of being an artist as creating the art. And it’s that need to create and share, that makes so many artists such wonderful teachers. I hope some day to be able to take a class from Marcy! However, looks like I might have to head over seas, as that is where she is heading to teach next!!! Yep, she has gone international! HURRAY!!! Her sweet little critters will soon be winning over the hearts of the people of Austria!!!
How super exciting is that? I mean she is out of the world right? No, I mean it. She is literally out of this world. Because not only does Marcy teach full time, but she also contributes to the Beads of Courage program. And in doing so, not once, but twice, her beads have been selected to literally leave this earth upon the NASA space shuttle! I mean, wow. I dream big, but that’s a dream that never even occurred to me!

Really, how did I get so lucky to get her as a swap partner. Feel like breaking into the sound of music song…. Somewhere in my youth or childhooooood…I muuuust have done soomethinnng gooood!
Seriously, Marcy. Your kit is amazing. I hope I can do it justice. You are such a super sweetheart for putting so much work and thought into this.
Well I am so so pumped up on super creative energy with all these projects I feel like I just downed a 2 litter of mountain dew. I’m bouncing off the walls! So I’m going to get back to creating!
Have a SUPER CREATIVE day everyone! Will be catching up soon on everyone's blogs, and checking out all the other swap members kits and sites. And nope, I haven't forgotten my bead journal piece. Working on that one too!