everyone. I just wanted to share an item that I was made aware of on
LinkedIn. There is a site (that I just learned about) called
Basically it helps people who are trying to get a product up and running to raise money for the manufacturing of their item.
So this woman on LinkedIn (i dont know her, she is just a member of
some of the same professional groups i have joined on linkedin) has
made what she is calling a bead loom, but it's not a loom like we think.
You don't do bead weaving on it. You do single or multistrand stringing
on it for earrings, bracelets, or necklaces. It is not for bead
embroidery, but I thought it would be a great tool for those times we do
just want to kick out a quick necklace and not a bead embroidered
I pledged $25.00 today, which means when and if it gets
all its funding for it to be manufactured I have promised to pay $25.00
toward manufacturing in exchange for a loom once they are produced,
which is less then the retail price at the store. the pledge process was
super simple. I did it through amazon (which I love for all my book
buying), and they don't actually charge you unless the item is going to
get all the funding for sure.
Again, I am only sharing this
because I think its a cool item. I don't know the woman, but she does
share detailed info on herself, and the product. And I also think it is
cool to support other artists, and jewelry makers out there, and also
fun to get a product before it hits the stores. Fun fun!
Here is the link if you want to check it out. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1073198151/the-bead-it-up-loom
- LissC